Dear Planning Commission Members: The Dunwoody Homeowners Association has been following the proposals for redeveloping and rezoning the lots on Roberts Drive across from the Nature Center since 2018. There have been numerous discussions about whether or not R-50 is too dense to build along side an R-100 neighborhood, about whether age-targeted zoning is appropriate for land across the street from an elementary school, and whether higher-density single family homes are appropriate for Dunwoody at all at this time. Regardless of these factors, the one that surpasses them all is the fact that the neighboring Fairfield community owns an easement that is designated as “drainage” on all proposals we have seen to date. Before anyone rezones or builds anything on the adjoining lots, there has to be a clear agreement with Fairfield HOA regarding conditions that will allow use of their easement. As of this writing, that agreement has never happened. Not with Rock River Realty whos
The Dunwoody Homeowners Association is a civic advocacy group that amplifies the voice of Dunwoody, GA homeowners. The DHA provides opportunities for civic engagement and informed opinions about growth and change in Dunwoody. The DHA provides public events to develop Dunwoody's culture and improve neighbor interactions.